
Our Programs & Ministries

At Bridge Community Church we have 6 GO Teams that you can join.

WOW (Guest) Team

Our WOW Team wants you to be greeted and treated with warmth and a smile! Beyond that, our Solid Rock Cafe is open for coffee and water before service and refreshments after service. Come, relax and stay a while!


Our Worship Team includes singers, musicians, sound techs and computer techs working together to enhance our Sunday morning services. Have an interest? We have a place for you!

Bridge Kids

Bridge Kids Nursery
Ages 0 - pre K

Bridge Kids Elementary
Grades K - 5

Both age groups meet downstairs in our Bridge Kids area at 10:30 AM.


Our desire is to be IN the community and FOR the community by meeting the needs OF the community. Each month, we strive to do an outreach event passing out lemonade, cleaning up our community, supporting our local middle school as a community partner, hosting community events...the list goes on! We want to be a church on the GO!

226 BYRD (Building Youth in the Right Direction)

Every Friday
6:30 - 8:30pm
Bridge Community Church: 101 Bloomingdale Ave

A collaboration of three different churches developed a ministry just for middle school and high school students to gather, build friendships, play, eat (of course!) and learn more about how Jesus is still relevant to our lives.

Celebrate Recovery

Launching Thursday, Nov. 7th!
Every Thursday from 7 - 9pm

Do you have any hurts, habits or hang-ups? We all do! This faith-based 12 step program addresses those hurts, habits and hang-ups to bridge us to freedom from anything that holds us back and continues to impact our lives. Be real. Be free.